NEC - News

First NEC Workers' Meeting of the term

First NEC Workers' Meeting of the term

“We must guide the use of our tongue and let God build us up. If we subject ourselves to men and women to make us they equally can break us. Only the saviour can make us, break us and mend us again for His glory.” He said “The Command is still to go and make disciples for the kingdom of God. We have nothing to fear because God is still recruiting people for His courts above.

Blackburn Day of Fellowship

Blackburn Day of Fellowship

“the followers of Jesus were a handful of people whom the authorities in Jerusalem regarded as ordinary, simple, unlettered, and ignorant men and women. There were just twelve men essentially, and several others with them. They had nothing to recommend them, no great names, no degrees, no money, no means of communication or of advertising. They had nothing at all, they were nobodies. And yet what we know to be a fact is that this handful of ignorant and unlettered people turned the world upside down.”

BUC Session Virtual Delegate Consultation

BUC Session Virtual Delegate Consultation


BUC Presents: Three Cosmic Messages with Mark Finley

BUC Presents: Three Cosmic Messages with Mark Finley

This 13-part series goes into the heart of the biblical book of Revelation providing you with a clear and deeper understanding of the events surrounding the last days in light of the Three Angels Messages of Revelation 14.