ADRA-UK reflects on the benefits of World Health Day 2022 – Thursday 7 April

British Union Conference

ADRA-UK reflects on the benefits of World Health Day 2022 – Thursday 7 April


Catherine Anthony Boldeau

Good health and wellbeing should be a basic right for everyone. But, if you live in the developing world or in spaces where urbanisation or poverty dictates, access to quality healthcare is an aspirational concept as opposed to an achievable reality.

Here in the UK, we are blessed and privileged to access free healthcare at the point of need for most medical conditions. At the height of the pandemic, we were offered PCR and lateral flow tests free of charge, along with vaccines, antibody tests, etc., without spending our own finances.

There may be long waiting lists for non-urgent conditions. We may have to pay for our prescribed medication, and we often complain about our care from medical personnel. But our healthcare service is the envy of many countries in the world.

Good health and wellbeing are holistic, addressing the physical, mental, emotional needs of a human being. Good health is one of the most valuable commodities in the world, and without it, people cannot thrive and live as God intended.

Good health and wellbeing are targeted areas of concern throughout the ADRA network and ADRA-UK. And on Thursday, 7 April – World Health Day 2022, we would encourage you to think seriously about this topic and reflect on how you could improve your own health or assist others with theirs.

Access to clean water is vital for good health. Tukomane 'Happiness' village in the Chirundu District in rural southern Zambia is home to 2,500 people. Like most rural populations, Tukomane is dependent on rain-fed farming and villagers were trapped in a constant cycle of poverty and persistent hunger with limited livelihood options.

Through the 2019 Christmas Appeal, ADRA-UK provided funding that supported the rehabilitation of the Tukomane water system. The villagers now have access to clean and safe drinking water on tap for most of the day. This provision represents a substantial improvement in good health and wellbeing and quality of life of the villagers and their livestock.

The water system will also significantly reduce the chances of community members contracting waterborne diseases and Covid-19 as they have access to clean water. They can use it as well to practice regular handwashing. The water system will also improve hygiene standards for all the beneficiaries.

If you would like to support our development projects, you can 'DO GOOD' by donating funds to our 2022 ADRA Appeal. Please visit to assist ADRA-UK as they support the good health and wellbeing of the world's most vulnerable people.