Four go down for Jesus at Stanborough Secondary School

British Union Conference

Four go down for Jesus at Stanborough Secondary School

PR Department, Stanborough School

Four students from Stanborough Secondary School were baptised this morning, Friday 11 March, at the end of their annual Week of Prayer. The RE teacher, Pastor Ray Patrick, who conducted the Week of Prayer, immersed Hazel, Fae, T'oluwani and Judah in the portable pool. Their peers, teachers and close family members and friends witnessed the service.

Speaking about the baptism, Pastor Eglan Brooks, BUC President and Chair of the Stanborough School Board, said, "It is a tremendous day in the lives of these four precious students who are being baptised. Without the selfless contributions of parents, relatives, the interim head Mr Kaz James, the passionate teachers, the powerful preaching of Pastor Ray Patrick and the awesome move of God, today would not be possible. Today, we see the Stanborough Secondary School fulfil its ethos in delivering quality education and an opportunity for our children to accept Christ as their personal Saviour.

A full report of the baptism with pictures will feature in a forthcoming issue of BUC News and the Messenger.