Submit a story

Please read before you submit!

So you have a news story you want to share? Excellent! We welcome news reports from Adventists around the British Isles that follow our motto: 'Inform – Engage – Inspire'.

To help us edit your story and get it online as soon as possible, please remember these points:

  • Is your news of interest outside your local congregation?

  • Is it recent?

  • What is unusual/different about what you are reporting?

  • Could another church/individual be inspired or learn from what you will write?

If the answer is 'yes' to those questions then try and write your article in a journalistic format:

  1. Put the most important, engaging, eye-catching sentence at the top of your article.

  2. In the first paragraph answer Who, What, Where, Why and When?

  3. Be accurate with names, spellings and dates.

  4. Quote real people. (Joe Smith stated, "This day changed my life!")

  5. Use concrete detail. ("The 16 Pathfinders struggled through mud and up mountains, determined to gain their hiking award" – rather than "The Pathfinders enjoyed their hike.")

  6. Say what you need to say and then stop! Long articles are likely to be severely edited. But do make sure you write enough to cover the main points of the event.

  7. Include good, high quality pictures.

For more information on writing a news story or on photography please visit the Guidelines for BUC News & Messenger Reporting and Photography page of our website.

Please add your contact details below so that we can give you appropriate credit, and contact you if we need any further information or clarification.



Please use the following format: dd/mm/yyyy
Please use a 2k 16 x 9 image (3200px X 1800px) - (max 10MB)


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Here you will find the privacy policy of the Seventh-day Adventist British Union Conference.