British Union Conference

Take part in a BUC-wide Health Survey

Take part in a BUC-wide Health Survey

Are you a member of the Seventh-day Adventist Church within the BUC and aged 18 and older? In that case, we invite you to participate in a research study to identify the role of Adventist beliefs, values and practices relating to physical activity and exercise.

What is this for?

One of the main reasons for the study is that we are mindful that Adventists generally live longer than the national average and enjoy the quality of longevity. However, we are not aware of Adventists' physical activity or exercise habits in the BUC because an overwhelming majority of the research is done in the USA.


The research is being conducted by Hezron Ottey, a PhD candidate at Staffordshire University and a Telford Seventh-day Adventist church member.

Your participation would help support the research. We, therefore, invite you to participate in the survey. Please complete and submit the survey by the link below.

Thank you.

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