Prayers for Peace – TED and BUC Messages to All Churches

British Union Conference

Prayers for Peace – TED and BUC Messages to All Churches

Sam O. Davies

Dear Friends

We all have been touched by the situation in Ukraine and concerned for the implications in the wider area. We have 784 Adventist churches and 43,307 members in Ukraine and 451 Adventist churches and 31,500 members in Russia. This conflict will result in loss of life on all sides, with refugees and displaced persons coming into the countries of our Unions. With this in mind the Division is sharing the following call for prayer to all members, churches, institutions, pastors and leaders within the Trans-European Division (TED).

This Sabbath and in the days and weeks ahead let us join together to pray for those on all sides of the conflict: for those who find themselves separated from family members, are displaced, and suffer bereavement and loss. Let us look for opportunities to serve others as countries open their borders, churches, and homes to cater to the homeless and the displaced. Let us unite in prayer and in being Christ's hands and feet at a time of great need.

Audrey Andersson, TED Executive Secretary

Photo: Tor Tjeransen/Adventist Media Exchange (CC BY 4.0).


From the BUC President, Eglan Brooks.

During this past week, the UK Government has removed all legal Covid restrictions. This means that this is the first Sabbath for almost two years, that we can worship without social distancing (pending local considerations and concerns). I would encourage you, where possible, and as soon as you can, to return to in-person worship. We do recognise the value of online worship since the pandemic, however, there is something very special when we share the Word together and can look into each other's eyes without a screen in between us. We can only be stronger together if we 'are together'.

We have lost many of our members during the last two years, so as we return, our congregations may be feeling very different. Please take time not only to reflect on this loss but continue to reach out to the families who have lost loved ones.

Just as we emerge into a post-Covid world, we learn of the invasion of Ukraine. Covid-19 dominated our screens for the past two years and most of us have welcomed some return to a level of normality. However, it seems that there is no end to the challenges and conflicts in our world and for the people of Ukraine, this is a very difficult time.

For the Seventh-day Adventist Church community, the issues that Ukraine face are significant. 45% of the 140,000 church members who make up the Euro-Asian Division, live in Ukraine.

This Sabbath, I would encourage you in your church congregations to offer special prayers. First, thank God that He has allowed us the opportunity to return to in-person worship.

Please also offer prayers for the people of Ukraine. Please pray our Father God would overrule in the affairs of the world and provide protection for them. For those who have already lost loved ones, pray that God will give them special comfort at this time. And last, pray for all the world leaders that they will act in accordance to the Father's divine will and purpose at this time in earth's history.

Friends, we are living at a time when we hear of wars and rumours of wars. This is a time for us to be on our knees and to commit ourselves completely to God. This is a time for us to ensure that we commit ourselves to solidarity with our Adventist family, in our local congregation and around the world. This is a time for us to look up, for our 'redemption draws nigh'.

Photo: Tor Tjeransen/Adventist Media Exchange (CC BY 4.0).