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Week of Prayer 2020

Week of Prayer 2020

7-14 November 2020

Scripture and Violence – The 2020 Beach Lecture

Scripture and Violence – The 2020 Beach Lecture

What is the relationship between religious scripture and violence? The 2020 Beach Lecture held on Tuesday 13 October, explored this question – in 105 minutes

A Reflection for 2020 World Mental Health Day - Sabbath 10th October

A Reflection for 2020 World Mental Health Day - Sabbath 10th October

The challenges of the pandemic have affected almost every country in the world.  It is no ‘respecter of persons’.

SEC Pastor Authors New Book on Divorce Care for Men

SEC Pastor Authors New Book on Divorce Care for Men

n his new book entitled, 'Picking Up the Pieces', Paul writes based on his own experience of divorce