BUC Delegates Prepare for GC Session 2022

British Union Conference

BUC Delegates Prepare for GC Session 2022

Sam O Davies, BUC Communications

Eleven delegates drawn from the various entities of the British Union Conference (BUC) will be among those taking part in the 2022 General Conference Session in St Louis, Missouri, from 6-11 June. The GC Session was initially scheduled for June 2020 but was rescheduled twice because of the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic.

The normally five-yearly Session of the Adventist world Church is the occasion for electing new leaders to the administration of the Church. Other significant business of the Session includes updating church policies and the church manual.

Eleven delegates from the BUC will be voting at the Session. Some of our delegates may be selected to participate in the nominating committee to elect the next administration.

The following are the BUC delegates:

Eglan Brooks Sam O Davies Emmanuel Osei Douglas McCormac Max McKenzie-Cook George Kumi Sally-Ann Flemmings-Danquah Jimmy Botha Graham Allcock Crystal Knight Ingrid Sharpe

As they prepare to travel for the event, we solicit your prayers on their behalf and the entire General Conference Session for God's leading.

For more details on how the business of the General Conference Session is conducted, click on this link