Pastor Jeff Couzins earns Doctor of Ministry Degree

British Union Conference

Pastor Jeff Couzins earns Doctor of Ministry Degree

BUC Communications

On 24 May 2022, Pastor Jeff Couzins successfully defended his Doctor of Ministry in Multicultural and Multiethnic Mission and Ministry. The specific topic of Dr Couzins' research was 'An Evangelism and Discipleship Pathway to Address the Cultural and Worldview Distance Between the Seventh-day Adventist Church and the Majority British Culture'.

Dr Couzins' said that "I passed the defence and received positive feedback from the panel members, which included Dr Wagner Khun, the head of World Mission at Andrews University, along with Dr Kidder, Professor of Pastoral Theology and Discipleship, who has also authored several books. Other panel members included Dr Sung Kwon, my Academic Advisor, and Dr Michael Pearson of Newbold College, also one of my advisors. I was asked dozens of questions and received a good number of reflections from the panel members. The panel want me to reflect further on the way forward with the outcomes of the research, because, as the chair of the panel said, my research could be beneficial for other places in the world as well as the UK."

Couzins currently serves as senior pastor for the three churches of Liverpool Central, Liverpool North and Wallasey in the North England Conference. He is married to Sandra, and they have a daughter Racquel.