SEC - News

ADRA-UK launches its 2019 Christmas Appeal

ADRA-UK launches its 2019 Christmas Appeal

During this holiday season, give The Gift of Water by helping ADRA-UK to raise £10,000 to help build a well for the people of the Kabanana village, Zambia

SEC Session 2019

SEC Session 2019

Delegates arrived for this four-day session having ploughed through pages of reports and documents in preparation for their task.

100 Years of Adventist Education Within the BUC

100 Years of Adventist Education Within the BUC

Centenary Celebration

Children Not in School Government Consultation: BUC Response

The UK Government as part of the process of framing and passing laws, will often conduct consultations so that professionals and members of the public can give their opinion on the law(s) that are to be framed.

BUC Executive Committee Decisions

BUC Executive Committee Decisions

On Thursday 13 June 2019 the British Union Conference (BUC) Executive Committee, met for their quartly meeting. Amongst the many items on the agenda were two significant ones pertaining to the role of BUC Education director to replace Kathleen Hanson and to review and appoint the Mission Officers.

A Mother's Love