BUC President to Lead out in Union-Wide Prayer Meeting this Evening

British Union Conference

BUC President to Lead out in Union-Wide Prayer Meeting this Evening

Richard Daly

A special prayer meeting message to be streamed live in light of the Coronavirus situation.

Over 700 people around the British Union Conference (BUC) and globally tuned in simultaneously for the special live prayer meeting presentation by BUC President, Pastor Ian Sweeney, in light of the first death suspected from coronavirus within the Adventist community in the British Isles today (18 March). With post views of the service rising to 8,000, this reveals the real need for the Church to remain connected to its members during these challenging times and sends a clear message that as a Church leadership we are available and willing to provide spiritual and practical support where needed.

BUC Media will continue to broadcast programmes each Sabbath morning during the duration of closed churches, starting this Sabbath 21 March at 10:00 am.

See Wednesdays prayer meeting service below.
