SEC - News

Cheltenham Teens and Tweens Worship on Zoom

Cheltenham Teens and Tweens Worship on Zoom

With Zoom technology, we realised that worship and socialising together could be arranged, and we planned to have as normal a celebration as possible.

Several Pastors Across the Conferences Placed on Furlough

Several Pastors Across the Conferences Placed on Furlough

In order to safeguard the Conferences and secure jobs in the future for the care of members, these temporary measures are deemed necessary to make at this time.

Several BUC Staff Placed on Furlough Under the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme

Several BUC Staff Placed on Furlough Under the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme

The Chancellor has set out a package of temporary, timely and targeted measures to support public services, people and businesses through this period of disruption caused by COVID-19. This includes a package of measures to support businesses including a Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme

Youth and Pathfinder Ministries Keeping One Step Ahead!

Youth and Pathfinder Ministries Keeping One Step Ahead!

Hundreds of youth logged in, watching and contributing to the online discussions, talks and studies.  Not content to just run the programmes only for the Youth Week of Prayer, the online forums have continued in the Conferences with almost daily programmes including health & well-being slots, Bible studies, book clubs and more

Daily Advice on COVID–19, (Coronavirus) For Local Churches

Daily Advice on COVID–19, (Coronavirus) For Local Churches

BUC daily advice and guidance on the Coronavirus for local churches.

Death of Heather Margaret Robertson

Death of Heather Margaret Robertson

Death of Heather Margaret Robertson

Churches Prepare for Closures Across the BUC

Churches Prepare for Closures Across the BUC

Many churches across the BUC will strive to maintain Sabbath worship and connectedness through various means

Returning Tithes and Offerings During Church Closure

Returning Tithes and Offerings During Church Closure

Guidance on online giving