Hope to the Hopeless From One Person's Kitchen

British Union Conference

Hope to the Hopeless From One Person's Kitchen

Janelle Clarke

Today each week 'Hope with a Smile' charity is able to reach 50 families including single parents and children

Known to many as 'Victory', Janelle's charity is called, 'Hope with a Smile', which she founded 4 years ago through a need she saw in her community in Brent, London. Her local community is a very diverse area with a lot of challenges such as poverty, anti-social behaviour and drug addicts.

Janelle is fully aware of these challenges because as a child growing up she endured hardship having an alcoholic father but was raised also by a very strong and supportive mother. On her arrival to England Janelle spent several weeks homeless sleeping on the streets and void of many sanitary needs. Despite her challenges because as a child she always had a 'world changing attitude' Janelle was able to get through that difficult period, get a good education and eventfully qualify to become a nurse.

Today each week 'Hope with a Smile' charity is able to reach 50 families including single parents and children. There is also a back to school drive to support children both in the UK and Trinidad as Janelle never forgets her roots. During Covid-19 Janelle and her team have done life-changing community events in Brent to support families affected by addiction and domestic violence.

Janelle when interviewed on the BBC News in October, spoke about her charity community work. She said, "I use my small kitchen to cook meals. We are able to get food from the local shops and supermarkets to support my food drive. Our local grocery stores are also very supportive. We cook a lot of tasty rice dishes, vegetarian stew, rotis, salad and basically something for everyone." She went on the say, "I believe if I can do it, anyone can make a difference in their own little way to impact and change lives, it's all about making a difference in people's lives."

Some of the contributions and provisions Janelle and her small team prepare from her kitchen include:

Food hampers Baby bumpers Children's food and stationery supplies Clothes contributions for the homeless Prison ministry supplies Elderly supplies Special needs supplies Christmas cards service for inmates.

Together with her family and friends to support her Janelle says, "in life we are here to help each other. It is only by God's grace I am able to do much. All I want to do is help make a difference in my local community, society and humanity."

Her motto in life is, "If I can impact and make a difference in one person's life, I have made the biggest difference."

Watch a video of this minsitry here