NEC - News

North England Conference Ordination 2019

North England Conference Ordination 2019

But the Holy Spirit will come upon you and give you power. Then you will tell everyone about me in Jerusalem, in all Judea, in Samaria, and everywhere in the world. Acts 1:8

Friends, Fellowship and Volleyball

Friends, Fellowship and Volleyball

The last weekend of October 2019 was indeed a weekend of excitement, reunion, fellowship and competition. A good portion of the weekend comprised of a reunion, as well as making new friends.

Dutch Youth Visit Newcastle for a Deeper Experience

Dutch Youth Visit Newcastle for a Deeper Experience

28 young and slightly older youth stepped off the ferry, hopped onto a bus and soon entered the Newcastle Seventh-day Adventist church for the first part of their 'A Deeper Experience' venture.

Handling Power in Leadership ‒ Pastoral Team Meeting

Handling Power in Leadership ‒ Pastoral Team Meeting

Ministry is a place where you see various power dynamics and power can be used well and badly.

Newcastle Members Run The Great North Run Marathon For Good Causes

Newcastle Members Run The Great North Run Marathon For Good Causes

The Great North Run is the largest half marathon in the world, taking place annually in the North East of England every September.

NEC Area 6 Ministers Work Up a Sweat!

NEC Area 6 Ministers Work Up a Sweat!

Everyone broke a sweat, and when Joe saw the perspiration he declared "Sweat is good."

NEC Lay Preachers' Graduation

NEC Lay Preachers' Graduation

Their efforts were recognised through a graduation service held on 10 August 2019

SEC Session 2019

SEC Session 2019

Delegates arrived for this four-day session having ploughed through pages of reports and documents in preparation for their task.

100 Years of Adventist Education Within the BUC

100 Years of Adventist Education Within the BUC

Centenary Celebration

BUC Executive Committee Decisions

BUC Executive Committee Decisions

On Thursday 13 June 2019 the British Union Conference (BUC) Executive Committee, met for their quartly meeting. Amongst the many items on the agenda were two significant ones pertaining to the role of BUC Education director to replace Kathleen Hanson and to review and appoint the Mission Officers.