National - News

Newbold's Week of Spiritual Emphasis ‒ Men and Women Just Like Us

Newbold's Week of Spiritual Emphasis ‒ Men and Women Just Like Us

The former head of Newbold's Department of Theology provided down-to-earth talks each evening.

Death of Len Eastwood

Church Delivers Mental Health Training to Local Community Groups

Church Delivers Mental Health Training to Local Community Groups

Mental health challenges were analysed at the Stanborough Centre as individuals were trained in their response to mental distress.

Handling Power in Leadership ‒ Pastoral Team Meeting

Handling Power in Leadership ‒ Pastoral Team Meeting

Ministry is a place where you see various power dynamics and power can be used well and badly.

Chill in a Field Returns to Pride Rock

Chill in a Field Returns to Pride Rock

Worship at Chill in a Field is quite different from other events. Sitting around in a cosy circle of sofas, beanbags and cushions surrounded by soft lighting and house plants brings a real sense of community and friendship

Into the Time Machine – at Lowestoft Adventist Church

Into the Time Machine – at Lowestoft Adventist Church

Lowestoft opened its doors for a prophecy-focused outreach entitled, 'Into the Time Machine'.

BUC Pathfinder Day

BUC Pathfinder Day

World Pathfinder Day designated by the General Conference and held on Sabbath 21 September, saw Pathfinders who came to hear and demonstrate that they had been created with a purpose.

Newcastle Members Run The Great North Run Marathon For Good Causes

Newcastle Members Run The Great North Run Marathon For Good Causes

The Great North Run is the largest half marathon in the world, taking place annually in the North East of England every September.

Women’s Dependence

Women’s Dependence

Young Ladies of Excellence Mentoring Others

Young Ladies of Excellence Mentoring Others

BUC Women's Ministries department were pleased to progress their signature mentoring programme –The Esther Institute of Excellence for Girls and Young Ladies – Raising Godly and Courageous Daughters For Such A Time As This.

Showing up for Inter-Generational Communication

Showing up for Inter-Generational Communication

'How do human beings make space for God in their lives?'

NEC Area 6 Ministers Work Up a Sweat!

NEC Area 6 Ministers Work Up a Sweat!

Everyone broke a sweat, and when Joe saw the perspiration he declared "Sweat is good."

NEC Lay Preachers' Graduation

NEC Lay Preachers' Graduation

Their efforts were recognised through a graduation service held on 10 August 2019

SEC Session 2019

SEC Session 2019

Delegates arrived for this four-day session having ploughed through pages of reports and documents in preparation for their task.