Ireland - News

BUC Live-streaming Services

BUC Live-streaming Services

A compilation of churches live-streaming within the BUC

The Irish Mission – Growing Stronger

The Irish Mission – Growing Stronger

Mission President, Pastor Dan Serb, is clear about the church he serves. His report to the Session describes a church that is "colourful, dynamic, and ever active," listing choirs, Pathfinders, Bible study groups, youth projects, family camps, fundraising events, and outreach

SEC Session 2019

SEC Session 2019

Delegates arrived for this four-day session having ploughed through pages of reports and documents in preparation for their task.

Irish Mission representatives participate in a consultation with the Irish Taoiseach

Irish Mission representatives participate in a consultation with the Irish Taoiseach

In July, Pastors Dan Serb and Adam Keough from the Irish Mission participated in a Government consultation with faith organisations across Ireland, called by the Taoiseach, Leo Varadkar.

Test news article

Test news article

here we see where it goes,,,This abstract needs to be about 3 lines or more to look well on the header of the news. If it is just one line, it is better to leave it blank.

100 Years of Adventist Education Within the BUC

100 Years of Adventist Education Within the BUC

Centenary Celebration

BUC Executive Committee Decisions

BUC Executive Committee Decisions

On Thursday 13 June 2019 the British Union Conference (BUC) Executive Committee, met for their quartly meeting. Amongst the many items on the agenda were two significant ones pertaining to the role of BUC Education director to replace Kathleen Hanson and to review and appoint the Mission Officers.