What a Birth Announcement!

British Union Conference

What a Birth Announcement!

Catherine Anthony Boldeau

Birth announcements are always a source of joy and anticipation! The parties, extravagant gender reveals, and community celebrations are all ways to share the excitement of the good news of a new baby. 

The unique announcement by the prophet Isaiah in chapter 9 is dynamic. At the top of the announcement is the gender reveal – ‘a Son’. He is also heir to His Father’s government. 

Isaiah then uses beautiful imagery to describe Jesus’ characteristics. He is 'Wonderful’ – inspiring, delightful, and extremely good. As a ‘Counsellor’, He is a ‘confidante and guide’. He is ‘strong’ as the ‘Mighty God’. As the ‘Everlasting Father’, He is ‘endless’ and able ‘to bring into being’. He is ‘sovereign’ and will create ‘order, harmony and peace’ as the ‘Prince of Peace’. Let’s take a moment to be in awe of these qualities. 

What an announcement! What a God!

This coming festive season, take time to re-read the story of the announcement of the birth of Jesus Christ and meditate on the characteristics and qualities of God who came to earth as a baby, lived as a man, died to save the world, and is coming again to take us to live with Him. 
