We could not pass up on this invitation ... will you?

British Union Conference

We could not pass up on this invitation ... will you?

Scottish Mission children celebrate Adventist Discovery Centre courses graduation

Aberdeen | Cedrene Botha with Scottish Mission Communication, Photos: Weiers Coetser

If you were near the Aberdeen Seventh-day Adventist Church on Saturday afternoon, 16 December, you would have thought that you had walked into a place of high learning. The church was filled with children and adults wearing academic regalia and sporting special certificates and letters of commendation. It was a graduation ceremony. The Scottish Mission Children’s leaders had organised it to celebrate the completion of several interactive Bible Study courses, attended by children from Scotland and further afield.

Cedrene Bota explains, “There are moments in this life where an opportunity or invitation is presented, and you just can’t let that slip by. Back in 2020 when COVID hit, the Scottish Children’s Ministries department launched a 7-week intensive online Bible Course together with Adventist Discovery Centre (ADC).” The two courses being run, Let’s Explore (age 7-12), and Start into Life (age 13 and above), had already been ongoing within local churches. But Ifeoma Victor-Igwe and Cedrene Botha felt that this was a great opportunity to reach across the Mission with the opportunities that Zoom and other teaching tools provided for online, interactive learning. Cedrene says, “This year we launched an extra course in addition to the ones that we have already trialled.” The launch of Try Jesus (series 1) presented by Nyarado and Tamuka Mtsavnga from Dunfermline Church not only provided the next level for those who already completed Let’s Explore but also a fantastic experience for the presenters themselves.

The celebration served to recognise and congratulate the 11 grandaunts for 2023. As part of the ceremony they shared what they learned and what they enjoyed from their respective classes.

With Professor Noodlebrain, Aunty Nyari, Uncle Tam and Aunty Ifeoma, the children of Scotland have been learning more about Jesus, about faith, about life, in a creative, fun and safe online platform. Learning took place through experiments, Kahoot challenges & quizzes, teaching and much more.

While the programme was facilitated in the Scottish Mission, it attracted attention from further afield. So much so that with the initial registrations back in 2020 two sisters, Thabi and Nesisa, from Hounslow Church in England joined for the Let’s Explore course presented by Professor Noodlebrain. The new online medium meant that you did not have to be limited by where you lived geographically.

Three years later, Thabi and Nesisa registered again as younger sister Nesisa now age 8, and she was excited to go through the lessons again. When the invitation for attending Graduation in Scotland went out, their mum Eugina messaged to confirm they would be attending in person. They flew all the way up to Aberdeen. It was so special to meet in person and to celebrate together.

(The above photo of Emma with her diploma and congratulatory letter was taken by Thabi and Nesisa's dad).

Cedrene Botha and Ifeoma Victor-Igwe told the graduating class and their parents, “It is in faith and with prayer that we aim to expand to include Try Jesus (series 2) which is the follow on from Try Jesus (series 1).”
They spoke about the joy of presenting the classes. “As a presenter this not only deepens your own relationship with Jesus but also strengthens and develops the young minds in your class.” The Scottish Mission Children’s Ministries is looking for volunteers to lead more of these classes. Please do reach out to Ifeoma or Cedrene for mor details.

Special word of thanks and appreciation to Aunty Ifeoma, Aunty Nyari, Uncle Tam, each and every parent who diligently made sure their electronic devices were setup and ready to be used each week.

Thank you to the Aberdeen church and Pastor Weiers Coetser for hosting the graduation ceremony. We claim the promise in Matthew 19:14 where Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.”