UK Ghanaian Adventists Virtual Day of Fellowship

British Union Conference

UK Ghanaian Adventists Virtual Day of Fellowship

Japheth Obese-Amankwah

The biannual gathering of the Ghanaian Adventist Congregations in UK (GAC-UK) – made up of 18 organised churches and 2 church plants – was halted by the devastating effects of Covid-19. However, on Sabbath 6 November, 2021 the first ever virtual GA-UK day of fellowship was held under the theme 'Rebuilding and Reconnecting'.

Speaking at the event as guests of honour, Dr Emmanuel Osei (South England Conference President) praised God for the numerical growth and financial contributions of the Ghanaian congregations within the SEC. He however, warned of the threat of secularisation of the next generation and advised that all effort should be made to train them up to stay in the Lord. On his part, Pastor George Kumi (North England Conference President) prayed the Lord's blessing on the group and challenged them to continue to make evangelism their priority. Finally, Hon. Paapa Owusu-Ankomah (Ghana High Commissioner to UK) raised the concern of increased gang and knife crime among Ghanaian young people and requested the Adventist Church to work with the high commission to address this problem.

Delivering the sermon Pastor Lewis Quaye (GAC-UK Chair) acknowledged relationships have been under the strain because of Covid-19 but admonished members to close ranks.

"It is now time to forgive each other and forge together with one purpose since the plan of salvation is all about reconnecting and rebuilding relationships. We therefore need to forge this vision in our home and Christian lives," said Pastor Quaye.

The children were also blessed with a sermon titled 'Jump Jimmy Jump' by Mrs Charity Boakye. She encouraged the children to always connect with God by listening to His voice through daily prayer and study of their Bible and Sabbath School lessons.

The youth preacher was Pastor Bright Agyemang-Baah, a graduate of Oakwood College who shared his message titled 'Jesus Receives Sinners'. He encouraged everyone not to let their sins become a barrier between them and God because Jesus always welcomes sinners and transforms them.

The worshippers were blessed with a musical concert in the afternoon, whilst the sacrificial efforts of some past members were recognised and awarded certificates of appreciation.