Try Jesus! (Reflecting Hope)

British Union Conference

Try Jesus! (Reflecting Hope)

Diane Lewis

The Reflecting Hope Campaign is off to a great start in Ireland! We have completed the first outreach project, and the next one is already underway.

The Adventist Discovery Centre (UK and Ireland) (ADC) and Discover Truth (a member-run ministry supported by the Irish Mission (IM)) partnered to present the ADC's Try Jesus Bible study course – a weekly 10-part Zoom series.

Discover Truth volunteers Diane Lewis, and John Prida hosted the series whilst Pastor Christian Salcianu, director of the ADC, delivered the professional presentations. Each lesson was followed by enriching small group discussions led by the hosts. A diversity of people attended: British Union Conference (BUC) and IM church members, new believers and even children. The feedback was good, with the general idea being, "One can never get too much of Jesus!"

The Try Jesus Bible study series is perfect to share with friends who want to know more about Jesus. It is available from the ADC in three forms: online lessons, a video series on the ADC's YouTube channel and hardcopy via post. All available here: Try Jesus (Series 1) - Adventist Discovery Centre and Try Jesus - Discover Truth.

We are happy to announce that many of these Try Jesus attendees are now attending this year's second Discover Truth Zoom series in the Reflecting Hope campaign. Qualified health professionals across Ireland and the BUC are presenting the ADC's 'Your Health' series. This series is a great way to connect people with the church through the non-threatening health message. For more information, visit Health & Wellness - Discover Truth.

So, whether you are living in Ireland or the UK, many outreach resources are available for you to use in your personal ministry. These are just two examples of them!

Explore the ADC and Discover Truth websites to see what they offer. You will find online studies, video series, Adventist radio and TV links, online books, free Bible offers, resources for children, and more. Be ready to share these valuable free resources with those around you. You, too, can Reflect Hope!