Tithes Across BUC Reach 91% of 2019 Return

British Union Conference

Tithes Across BUC Reach 91% of 2019 Return

BUC Treasury

After 10 months of the Covid-19 pandemic in the year 2020 the latest monthly tithe report shows that we have now reached 91% (£17.7 million) of our 2019 tithe returns. We thank God despite these challenging times for the faithfulness of the return of tithe by members across the Union.

With the month-long lockdown now replaced by tiered restrictions across the country, here is a summary of the trends in return of tithes around the British Union Conference to the month of October.

Greatly improved tithe and salient figures below:

1. BUC-wide tithe down compared to 2019 by £1,739,739 (8.9%).

2. SEC & NEC tithe down by £1.17m (9.3%) and £555k (10.3%) on 2019.

3. SM (+6.7%) & WM (+5.0%) continues to reflect positive returns during Covid-19.

4. BUC projected budgeted tithe income is £213k below expected.

5. SEC & NEC are £1.82m and £775k below their budgeted tithe income.

6. BUC cashflows continue to fall in the eight months to November 2020.

We thank God for His love and care for us His people.

We pray for God's healing and comfort for those affected by Covid-19. Let us continue to find ways to serve our communities throughout Britain and Ireland.