Tithe Update Across the BUC

British Union Conference

Tithe Update Across the BUC

Earl Ramharacksingh (BUC Treasurer)

As we enter a new year, we continue to pray for God's guidance and sustaining power through all our church endeavours. Tiered restrictions pre-Christmas has now been replaced by full lockdown across the country and this will mean further hindrances to our Church services for some time. However, the last quarter in 2020 showed some continued improvement in tithes – see the chart and notes below:1. BUC-wide tithe down on 2019 by £1,789,806 (8.3%).

2. SEC & NEC tithe down by £1.12m (8.1%) and £654k (10.8%) on 2019.

3. SM (+6.5%) & WM (+7.5%) & IM (-7.4%) continues to reflect positivity during CV19.

4. BUC projected budgeted tithe income is £205k below expected.

5. SEC & NEC are £1.79m and £779k below their budgeted tithe income.

6. BUC cashflows continue to fall in the nine months to December 2020.

Thank you all for your continued support and due diligence.