TAKE A SHOT (TAS) Covid-19 Project

British Union Conference

TAKE A SHOT (TAS) Covid-19 Project


A report from the Take a Shot (TAS) Covid 19 project run by ADRA-UK and ADRA Ghana

The community durbar held on 28th June 2022 at the Tetegu provided an excellent opportunity for about a 50-year-old man named Mr. William Asare to receive for the first time a COVID-19 vaccine shot. Mr. Asare, currently an employee of ADRA, is also the official driver of the Country Office Director, who had refused to accept the vaccines. Although William has an underlining health condition, he has heeded the myths and misinformation surrounding the vaccines all these past months. William had consistently rejected the opportunities presented to him at different places to take the shot. However, during the durbar, the young driver listened attentively to all the speakers and the various presentations, after which he willingly agreed and offered himself for the vaccination. There are many such people in the communities, and with continuous education, they would come to accept the vaccines.

Mr. Asare said, "I was concerned with the efficacy and safety of the vaccines because of what people have been saying about them. But, with the doctors' sensitization and some of the participants' testimonies, I decided to take the vaccine and stay protected."