Stanborough Secondary School Appoints Interim Leadership Team

British Union Conference

Stanborough Secondary School Appoints Interim Leadership Team

Lorraine McDonald, BUC Education Director

The Stanborough Secondary School Board of Governors has appointed an interim leadership team for the 2022/23 Autumn term, while they continue to search for a permanent headteacher.

Interim Operational Headteacher

Jeanetta Liburd is a specialist RE teacher and has worked as Vice Principal, Assistant Principal, Head of Department and Raising Standards Leader. She has achieved the National Professional Qualification for Headteachers (NPQH) and has recently entered the world of interim leadership, giving leadership and support to failing schools. When approached, Jeanetta was more than willing to take up the post for the term, deeming it an honour to be of service to God. She is married to Pastor Paul Liburd (NEC) and is the mother of two adult daughters, Abigail and Lydia.

Interim Executive Headteacher

Lorraine McDonald, the current BUC Education Director, will give strategic oversight as the Executive Headteacher alongside Jeanetta.

Together they bring a wealth of leadership experience to the school. Their joint desire is to see Stanborough Secondary School flourish, be a provider of first-class Seventh-day Adventist education, and fulfil the imperative of leading young people to secure a biblical worldview and a love for Christ and His Word.

They have a big dream for Stanborough Secondary School and look forward to working with staff, pupils and parents while embracing Isaiah 43:18, "Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth; shall ye not know it? I will even make a way in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert."

"I am pleased that we have two experienced school leaders, in charge of Stanborough Secondary School at the start of the 2022/23 academic year," said Eglan Brooks, BUC President and Chair of the Board of Governors. "We trust that during this coming term, we can secure the services of a permanent headteacher."