SEC Ordains Six Pastors to Gospel Ministry

British Union Conference

SEC Ordains Six Pastors to Gospel Ministry

Don Roberts

The South England Conference (SEC) ordained six ministers at a service held at the Newbold College Sports Hall on Sabbath 22 October in front of an audience of over 400. The pastors were supported by their family, friends, church members and ministerial colleagues who all shared in the visible and audible joy, emotion, and solemnity of the occasion.

Following the opening remarks by SEC President, Dr Emmanuel Osei, the SEC Ministerial Association Secretary, Dr Hezron Otieno Adingo introduced the ordination candidates who were accompanied by their wives and senior pastoral mentors.

Candidates for ordination were Fabrício Guimarães (pastor at the Oxford Portuguese, Swindon Portuguese, North London Portuguese and Wembley Park churches); Warren Gillin (Reading Central and Reading Parkside); Wentworth Sewell (Battersea, Bethel, and London Luganda); Andrew Cudjoe (Great Yarmouth and Lowestoft); Adil Habib (Plumstead and Welling); and Clebson Ribeiro Braga (Central London Portuguese and South London Portuguese).

The mentors gave a brief background of each candidate and their journey to ministry. Among them was the newly elected South Atlantic Conference President, Pastor Calvin Preston, presenting for Warren Gillin, who he described as his "son in ministry" and had been "committed to doing God's will from a young age".

The many inspiring stories shared included that of Fabrício Guimarães, who before serving as a pastor was a volunteer, then a non-stipend pastor for five years "while simultaneously working long hours during the week as an Uber driver".

The ordinands were also commended on the impact of their ministry within the SEC and beyond. An example included the General Conference Adventist Muslim Relations (AMR) Director, Dr Petras Bahadur for Adil Habib, who enthused, "Praise the Lord for what God has done through this one individual – AMR ministry has never been the same again."

The ordination speaker, Trans-European Division President, Dr Daniel Duda, gave a practical message on 'The Problem of False Expectations'. He cautioned the ordinands, of the "temptation to consider ordination as a magic wand – that now finally you have arrived – now all the problems of the ministry will be solved." Duda then reminded them how God "uses all of us, in spite of our inadequacies". He ended with the counsel that, "when the glow of the ordination day is over and you discover that you are not that different after all", remember the words of Paul in 2 Corinthians 12:9, "I will boast all the more gladly in my weakness, so that the power of Christ may dwell in me. Therefore, I am content with weakness, insults, hardships, persecutions and calamities for the sake of Christ, because when I am weak, then I am strong."

The prayer of ordination for the candidates with the laying on of hands by ordained ministers in attendance was led by British Union Conference (BUC) President, Pastor Eglan Brooks. When they arose from their knees, the newly ordained pastors were given their charge by BUC Ministerial Association Secretary, Pastor Sam Ouadjo who outlined their responsibilities and duties as ordained ministers. Dr Emmanuel Osei then welcomed them into ministry on behalf of the SEC and world church, and they were presented with their ordination certificates by BUC Executive Secretary, Pastor John Surridge.

Ministerial Spouse Association Coordinator, Michelle Moore, gave the address to the ministers' wives. She congratulated them for accepting God's call to gospel ministry, and said "praying for and supporting your husband is your unique calling and gift."

The service drew to a close with a response from newly ordained Pastor Andrew Cudjoe on behalf of his "fellow soldiers in Christ". He reflected on how God had led each of them through different circumstances, struggles, and trials. He concluded by saying, "But we serve a God who makes all things known, that we may minister to the people in times such as these when the coming of the Lord is far nearer now than it has ever been."