Restoring Lives During COVID-19 Pandemic

British Union Conference

Restoring Lives During COVID-19 Pandemic

Sharon Platt-McDonald BUC Director for Health Ministries, Women’s Ministries & Adventist Community Services

Each week we get positive feedback from people of all cultural and faith groups and those with no religious beliefs

"Your help has been lifesaving. I'm not sure what we would have done without the wonderful meals you provide for us each day. We are so very grateful." The gentleman’s eyes filled with tears as he shared these words with us.

This was an individual from the community whose family members, he reports – 'had a rough time with the virus.' As a result, they had been left very unwell and unable to cater adequately for themselves.

Another grateful response from a lady whose family members struggled through several months of illness, following their COVID-19 diagnosis, said enthused, "Thank you so much for caring for us! We really appreciate the tasty hot meals you provide us each day. It has kept us going! We are extremely grateful and can’t thank you enough!"

We have received similar accounts like these, during the height of the pandemic, and even as we continue to emerge from lockdown.

In a previous report, I shared how God led me to launch this ‘convalescence’ type initiative. This was primarily due to the level of continued distress, unresolved symptoms and challenges I noticed people were encountering, as they struggled to recover from the COVID-19 Coronavirus. I felt I needed to do something to reach out to try and support them. The individuals above, along with numerous other families, have been recipients of this initiative.

I captioned the project – 'RESTORATION Convalescence' to meet the wholistic needs and address the deficits individuals faced, during their recovery from the virus. The project has three aspects - Revive, Renew, & Restore. Each of these segments, uses different resources to meet physical, emotional, spiritual and social needs in practical ways.

Presently, with the assistance of the 'One Vision' hub, which is supporting the operational aspect of this project, we are now providing around 230 meals per day to the community.

Along, with hot meals and essential shopping items, our publications have also been greatly received, with individuals subsequently asking for more religious literature.

Each week we get positive feedback from people of all cultural and faith groups and those with no religious beliefs. Many have stated that once our churches reopen, they would like to visit and worship with us! Some are even requesting Bible studies because of the help they have received from our churches participating in the BUC Restoration Convalescence Project. We rejoice over these positive testimonies and pray for God’s continued leading in the lives of these individuals.

We are so grateful to God for the opportunity to reach out to the diverse individuals in our communities, during this pandemic.

There is much that we can do on a practical level, to bring relief to those suffering in the aftermath of COVID-19. Our churches may have been closed for our regular services, but thankfully, we were not closed to compassion and care, as God through His divine leading, enabled us to reach out in relevant ways, to the community. May we continue to be 'open' to help in the restoration of lives.

Please pray for the BUC 'Restoration' Convalescence project, as we seek to be the hands and feet of Jesus to our communities, in this time of great need and crisis in our nation.