British Union Conference


The last few months has been one of the most conflicted, pain racked periods since World War II. A snap election that engaged more young people than ever with results that confused the pollsters. We have seen terror motivated atrocities in Manchester, London and other world centres. There has been the fire destroying Grenfell Tower in North Kensington along with numerous families made homeless. More subtly, there are people of foreign birth who may find themselves isolated and unwelcome in the wake of Brexit.

Each incident has portrayed death and suffering in it starkest forms and has laid bare, grief and suffering. However, each incident has unlocked goodness and charity through relief efforts and has elicited human sympathy through thought, word and the symbolism of floral bouquets.

Significantly, each incident exposed public figures to judgement and scrutiny. We discovered which of our leaders have the capacity to touch the hurting and mourn with the sorrowful. We also noticed the condemnation of those who seemed to lack 'emotional intelligence', frosty politicians who exercise power without compassion.

It's within this backdrop that Emotional Health is the theme of our Focus Magazine. Most of us avoid extreme events but we do experience conflict in our homes, at foucswork and the rap of public engagement. We do experience loneliness, sickness, pain and bereavement. We do suffer stress from the uncertainties of domestic, economic and political forces. Each of us needs resilience to cope, and compassion for those who do not cope. This is the purpose of our faith.

Our editor, Julian Hibbert, did not envisage events as they have turned out, but through providence has compiled topical voices for this time. The articles flow from personal stress to the fractiousness of the public in the breakup of the European project. This is a precursor to the next issue which is almost ready. The next Focus will reflect on the Reformation initiated by Martin Luther 500 years ago with points to Reforming-the-nation as we experience it.

We trust that you will find good reason to be an advocate for witness. Look out for how to order your copies in the upcoming Messenger