Reflection, Consecration and Rejuvenation

British Union Conference

Reflection, Consecration and Rejuvenation

Luton Central and Luton North | Seimone Gunter

Luton Central and Luton North end of year service.

On Friday 31st December, Luton Central and Luton North met online to close out 2021 and welcome in the New Year, 2022. It was a time of reflection, praise, worship and thanksgiving.

We were blessed by the many songs chosen for our praise and worship with an all time favourite by Bethel Music music entitled “Goodness of God”. We were encourged and remided of God’s goodness though the testimonies that were shared and encouraged us to keep holding onto to the promises of the word.

The main message was brought to us by the BUC Personal Ministries & Publishing director Pastor Kirk Thomas entitled “Change”, based on 1 Peter 2:9 which reads “But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light”. We were invited to pick out key words from this text and reflect on their meaning. We were reminded that despite the trials and tribulations, the heartache, loss of loved ones, that God has been and still is faithful.

The highlight of message was to “Taste and See – that the Lord is good; having tasted, you will long for his presence and desire heavenly food. Seek- to build up in Christ and not be a loose stone laying around the “Cornerstone”, but instead be cemented into the true foundation Jesus Christ. Be- faithful priest unto the Lord, offer every day the daily sacrifices of self. Finally, Consider- the great dignity of Christianity. Be full of thanks and rejoice in the Lord and show forth His praises”. While we are living in unprecedented times and do not know what lies ahead for us as a church in 2022, we have the blessed assurance of knowing who holds our future. He is, God our creator, our deliver and our Saviour. Happy New Year church family, we made it thus far!