“Welcome to an incredible spiritual journey to the Upper Room. Let me assure you that you are poised to make some of the most thrilling biblical discoveries of your life.” This is how you are welcomed to Mark Finley’s booklet 10 Days in the Upper Room. Embark on a journey of transformation as you study inspirational instructions on the reception of the Holy Spirit and how to live daily in the power of the Spirit.
I shared with you in the last Pick of the Week – about how prayer makes a difference in your life as a believer. Through prayer, we open our hearts to everything God has in store for us. We lay our souls bare to receive the fullness of His power. The first chapter of the booklet entitled ‘The Channel of Blessing’ shares the need for earnest intercession. God longs to do something great in us. Our task is to open our hearts to Him, drawing close as we would to a friend.
Although He works daily in our lives, impressing us with His Spirit, His involvement in our lives is limited by our choices. As we kneel in prayer before Him, He respects our choices so that He can intervene in our lives more fully. His Spirit impresses and convicts us before we pray but will never fill and empower us until we pray. “Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened” (Matthew 7:7,8).
Are you longing for some open doors in your life? Is there a habit that you need to be rid of? Are you struggling to be faithful to your resolutions for this new year? Is there a burden for friends or family? Contact us at the Evangelism Resource Centre for a copy of this booklet. The 10-day journey covers topics such as Earnest Intercession, Deeper Faith, Heartfelt Repentance, Honest Confession, Loving Unity, Self-Examination, Sacrificial Humility, Obedient Surrender, Joyful Thanksgiving and Passionate Witness. To a changed life experience through the power of the Holy Spirit.
The Evangelism Resource Centre is located at the British Union Conference office. We exist to supply ministers, church members, and others active in evangelism with the resources they need to be effective disciples. We firmly believe that discipleship is for every member and promote the systematic method of Total Member Involvement.
Contact us at the Evangelism Resource Centre, and we will be happy to direct you to this resource and others to bless you and for you to be a daily blessing. You may email Lois Campbell-Ross Lcampbellross@adventist.uk or call us on 01923 665 576.