Pentecost 2021 at Manchester Southern Asia During the Pandemic

British Union Conference

Pentecost 2021 at Manchester Southern Asia During the Pandemic

Dr Shyam Morapudi – First Elder, Manchester Southern Asia SDA Church

During the baptism service at Manchester Southern Asia Seventh-day Adventist (SDA) church, on 31 July, a powerful appeal was made by Pastor Richard Jackson, North England Conference (NEC) President and thirty-two youngsters expressed their desire to give their life to Jesus Christ through baptism. One of the attendees at the baptism service who is not a churchgoer nor a Christian, was amazed at the service that he exclaimed, "is this a real world? It is like another world. I did not know that such a group of Christians exist in the modern world."

There was an ongoing celebration at Manchester Southern Asia SDA church as the members and friends were blessed to witness two baptismal services – on 12 June, and 31 July, where a total of 7 young people were baptised. The youngest person to have been baptised was twelve! Those who witnessed the service were astounded by the biblical knowledge shown by Aurelius, the 12-year-old. The local church was delighted to see the support they received from the NEC, namely: Pastor Richard Jackson, Pastor George Kumi and Elder Earl Ramharacksingh from the British Union Conference.

The church is blessed with a large group of children and young people who are talented in music and singing. There is a vibrant, active and well-organised Pathfinder club, and Sabbath School catering to all children and young people. Some of the other regular activities that the young people are involved in are nursing home visits, feeding the homeless, singing outreach in the Manchester city centre, etc. Over the years, the children have been marshalled, nurtured and discipled with a vision to make them rooted in the scriptures and the Church doctrines. It is pleasing to see the fruits of the efforts when the children come forward to dedicate their lives to the Lord. The church is able to witness the harvest of a long-term discipling and nurturing programme led by the local church.

The series of Bible studies to prepare these 32 youngsters for baptism is organised by Dr Shyam Morapudi, first elder for Manchester Southern Asia church. The studies are conducted by Pastor Ebenezer Daniel (Area 2 coordinator) and Pastor Blondel Campbell (local church pastor). The summer vacation is being well-spent by these young people as they are studying every day. It is promising and delightful to see the young people discuss as they understand the core topics studied at the lessons. There are at least two more baptismal services planned for the rest of the year. So indeed, 'The Pentecost 2021' is celebrated at Manchester Southern Asia in the midst of the pandemic.

The Manchester Southern Asia church is growing in membership and the members currently worship in a rented building. The amount of work involved in arranging the building for service every Sabbath is immense. The church is in real need of a building of their own. Your prayers and support to acquire a church building will be much appreciated. The congregation and especially the young people need a church of their own to grow and excel in spiritual maturity. There is great potential for these young people to be a witness to a large Asian population in Greater Manchester.