New Phone and Tablet App for the NEC

British Union Conference

New Phone and Tablet App for the NEC

Pastor Richard Jackson – NEC President

The North England Conference (NEC) President launched its new app for Android devices last month. Pastor Richard Jackson shares the journey of its development:

In the last 30 years the speed at which technology has advanced has been rapid! As well as this in the last 18 months we have all been catapulted further into the technological age. This catalyst has provided us with new opportunities for ministry, increased connectivity with each other and new ways in which we are able to conduct church services. For many years I recognised that the NEC should be forward thinking in how communication happens with each and every member.

Currently at the NEC we use our website, Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, WhatsApp groups, letters and word of mouth to share important information with our church family and visitors. Each of these methods are effective and easily accessible. However, it was clear to me that it would be preferable for the NEC to have a single place where each member could access the relevant information, which was important to them, at the touch of a button. I then began a quest to have an NEC app produced which could be downloaded by Android and IOS users on people's devices.

I was privileged to be able to work with the NEC's communications consultant in order to bring this recognition into reality, several avenues and different methods were explored. Following a conversation with the President of the Irish Mission, an app developer was identified.

Our communications consultant spent several months working with the app developer, our IT manager, our treasury department and the rest of the communications team. It was their aim to ensure that the app being developed would provide each of our members with an experience which would enhance their communication experience with the NEC as well as allow our members ready access to NEC resources as well as information from the General Conference, such as Sabbath School lessons and the SDA Hymnal.

During NEC Camp Meeting 2021, we were able to launch the Android version of the NEC app, called NEC and Us. Since this launch numerous members have downloaded the app and used it to return their tithes and offering, read the latest news from the NEC, access the NEC YouTube channel and link to the NEC Wellness Hub amongst other things.

From these downloads and the testing of the app we have been able to make the app even more accessible and add to the user experience.

We are continuing to improve the Android app and new features will be added in the coming months. We are working in earnest on the IOS app and we are aiming to launch this as soon as possible.

I wish to encourage you to download the NEC and Us app if you are an Android user and share it with your friends, family and colleagues.