New Children's Book on Health

Trans-European Division

New Children's Book on Health

| United Kingdom | BUC News

Written by Lynne Sesinye-Samwinga,'My Health: Eight ways I care for my body' is a children's picture book featuring bright, colorful illustrations which every child aged between 3-9 will enjoy. It is an excellent way of teaching children the important ways they can care for their bodies to be healthy.

Written as part of a unique stewardship series, the book teaches children the importance of looking after things that surround them such as their environment, money, possessions, abilities, time, and health.

Speaking of her book Lynne said, "my inspiration for writing this book came when I couldn't find any books on stewardship for children. Most of the stewardship resources I found were mainly for adults. When we think of stewardship we often think about the returning of the tithe, so I also wanted resources for my children that looked beyond that."

"The six main principles of stewardship I decided to focus on," said Lynne, "are all about taking care of everything God has placed in our care. Children will find it easy to memorize the acronym STEWARDS which stands for Sunlight, Trust, Exercise, Water, Air, Rest, Diet, and Self-control.

You can purchase this book through the Adventist bookstore.