British Union Conference

New Book for Eddie Hypolite

Richard Daly

Eddie Hypolite, a former worker within the South England Conference and now involved in ministry in Australia visited his home city of London last week for the launch of his new book entitled 'Living From Here'.

In this insightful book, Hypolite shares the lessons he's learned on his journey from the streets of west London to where he is today. #LivingFromHere tackles tough topics such as manhood, authenticity, resilience, sex, relationships, truth and struggle, using a blend of practical wisdom, Caribbean common sense, and personal experience.

On 16 May, Eddie held a book signing event at The Hub in Stratford with various speaking engagements throughout the week. His belief is, "There is a story in each and every one of us, written on the pages of our lives in the ink of experience."

When asked about the motivation behind writing his new book Eddie responded,

"I wrote Living From Here for everyone who knows they have been through a lot in their life and learned invaluable lessons as a result, but are not able to articulate their story in a way that resonates in the life of another. Living From Here is my way of letting people know that our stories have value and that we can successfully live from the 'here' which those stories have brought us to, and lead us from whatever new path God has in store for us."

To purchase a copy please go to or you can purchase copy on Kindle

Biography of Eddie Hypolite

Eddie Hypolite is a Londoner by birth, and the youngest of 10 brothers and sisters. He has been married for 25 years and is the father of a teenage daughter.

For the last 16 years, Eddie has travelled globally as a much sought-after speaker. His vocational calling over the past 18 years, has been as a local church pastor in both the UK and Australia where he presently lives.

Prior to being a pastor, he worked as a residential social worker and has an academic background in theology and sociology.

Predicted to be a statistic and told he would never amount to anything, Eddie Hypolite overcame the odds to become a motivator, mentor, radio announcer, pastor, international speaker and perhaps most importantly, a husband and a father. Jarrod Stackelroth

In 2018 Eddie decided to bring his extensive skill and professional expertise together and form Empowering Your Resilience PTY Ltd, a personal and professional development consultancy focused on creating value centred resilience for living and leadership.