Mission Tanzania 2022 & Beyond

British Union Conference

Mission Tanzania 2022 & Beyond

A report of a recent mission trip with UK SDA volunteers

Pastor Vince Goddard, Annell Smith, Dr Winston Williams


On 3 July, UK volunteers left for Mission Tanzania 2022, boarded flights to Dar es Salaam.

The host Conference arranged an excellent induction service where an international team of pastors, medical doctors, nurses, teachers, and volunteers prayed for God's protection and providence. The team comprised approximately 20 mission-driven church members from the US and UK, ranging from their teens to people in their 80s, along with those based in Tanzania.

The mission trip which ran from 9-23 July, was organised by Pastor George Lee, President of Train Them to Fish and Dr Winston Williams of the Woodford Green Adventist church. They collaborated with the North-East Tanzania Conference to deliver a coordinated campaign across 20 sites using the Share Him resources. The campaign focused on biblical teaching and preaching and seminars about health principles and family life.

409 people were baptised as a result of this campaign, over 300 Bibles were distributed along with clothing, feminine hygiene products and food. There were also visits to schools and meaningful activities were run for the children.

A free six-day clinic was coordinated by Dr Llewellyn Williams where attendees received blood sugar checks, and a general consultation. The distribution of medication and supplements by qualified physicians and a referral service were also available. In addition, a dental surgery was provided where extractions were conducted, and an optician's service facilitated eye testing and the provision of reading glasses. There were substantial queues each day and the provision were warmly received by the community.

The success of the mission is linked to the work of Pastor Vince and Joyce Goddard over the years. Several years previous he baptised Filbert Mwanga, his former student at The University of Arusha. Pastor Mwanga is currently Executive Secretary at the
North-East Tanzania Conference and was able to assist with making the mission trip a reality.

Pastor Goddard baptised 107 people in Suji, Pare Mountains, and Joyce taught practical health principles using locally grown produce.

Vickie, a teacher from the UK, and Dennis, a student from Kenya, also worked with him running evangelistic outreach programmes in the nearby village of Gonjanza. Pastor Vince's passion for ministry was evident, as was the affection he holds in the hearts of the people. As he spoke with them in Swahili it was clear to see that real mission work is life changing.

Train Them to Fish are seeking to expand their emphasis on Africa as this is the region where approximately half of the global Adventist population is located. The organisation is currently seeking volunteers for a mission trip to the Democratic Republic of Congo from 5 to 23 July 2023. Email trainthem2fish@gmail.com for more information.

Inspired by her experience in Tanzania, Angela Lake is currently expanding a planning team for a London-based Mission to the Cities project. This will use the model from Tanzania, with adjustments to suit the needs of the relevant communities and cultures. Email lakeannmarie3@gmail.com to come on board.

Annell Smith, Ministry Director of SNAGD SDA Singles Ministry is encouraging single SDAs to get involved in local and global mission projects. She advocates ministry as a means of deepening one's relationship with God, forming Christian relationships and fulfilling one's God-given purpose. She welcomes contact from individuals who are interested in street ministries in the UK and multi-skilled volunteers who would be available for an 'institution-building' development-based mission project in Tanzania during August 2023. Email Snagdleadership@gmail.com to express interest and join a project planning team.

Volunteers from the UK were:

Winston Williams Vernette Buffong, Lorelle Cummings-Williams, Lois Williams, Annell Smith, Ann-Marie Smith, Vincent Goddard, Joyce Goddard, Vickie Wright, Wilmot Bullock, Carina Adu Gyamfi, Angela Lake.