Mary Finds a Home at Hackney Church

British Union Conference

Mary Finds a Home at Hackney Church

Baptism of Mary Murraine

Darell J Philip, PR & Communications Assistant

“I have found a church family where I have been made welcome...”

And Jesus answered and said to her, "Martha, Martha, you are worried and troubled about many things. But one thing is needed, and Mary has chosen that good part which will not be taken away from her," (Luke 10:41-42, NKJV).

As we come to the end of the quarter and begin another, a main highlight during this period has been the baptism of Mary Murraine on Sabbath 24 April 2021 at the Hackney Seventh-day Adventist church. The 82-year-old who hails from the Caribbean island of Montserrat decided to give her life to Christ after having studied for 2 years with her great niece Eileen Philip – Prayer Ministries leader at Hackney church. In addition to the Bible studies, Mary also regularly attended the daily online church studies facilitated by Hackney's minister, Pastor Joojo Bonnie. Commenting on her baptism Mary said, "I have found a church family where I have been made welcome."

Pastor Bonnie who remarked that in sitting at the feet of Jesus like her biblical namesake she too had chosen the good part. He said, "Having regularly studied not only with your great niece but also with the church as a whole for the past two years, including during this past pandemic year, like Mary of the Bible, you have sat at the feet of Jesus and chosen the good part as demonstrated through your baptism here today. Heaven is rejoicing and so are we."

The service was then brought to a fitting conclusion with a joyful rendering of Mary's favourite chorus – In the name of Jesus, we have the victory and with all that has taken place with regard to the global pandemic including its impact within the UK – this celebration of one returning to the Lord came about at just the right time and for that we give God thanks.

Mary Murraine & Emelda Greer