Journeys - A Black History Month story

British Union Conference

Journeys - A Black History Month story

By Julian Thompson - Lecturer, Dept of Theological Studies, Newbold College of Higher Education

JourneysHow a 1950s barber's licence from Kingston, Jamaica, ended up in an exhibit at the Jewish Museum in London.

My grandfather, Arthur Malcolm, was the first Afro-Caribbean barber in Reading, a town not too far from Newbold College, where I lecture in Biblical and Pastoral Studies. At the invitation of Her Majesty's government, he was part of the generation who travelled to the UK to start a new life and help rebuild Britain in the aftermath of WWII.

When my grandfather passed away in 2014, we discovered that he had kept some items from his journey to England, including his original boat ticket. I have fond memories of him; his home became a hub for the black community in Reading, and whenever I went for a haircut on a Sunday, the house would be buzzing with people.

Arthur Malcolm was also a master storyteller who always shared tales about his upbringing in the Caribbean. Among my favourite memories of him were his tellings of Anansi, the original Spider-Man. These were oral folktales that travelled from West Africa to the Caribbean and the Americas in the memories of those who survived the horrors of the transatlantic slave trade. Anansi was a trickster who would find clever and creative ways to overcome his stronger opponents. This trope undoubtedly brought courage to those living in the shadow of the empire — little did I realise those moments would profoundly influence my research and interest in traditional storytelling.

My sister, Helena, studied Christianity and the Arts at King's College London. Being a creative at heart with an interest in archives, she responded to an invitation in 2015 to submit items for an exhibit titled 'Journeys' at the Jewish Museum in London. Her submission was accepted, and alongside the display were the following words: "Arthur Alexander Malcolm was born 26 February 1929 in St Elizabeth, Jamaica. He moved to the capital, Kingston, and worked as a licensed barber for some years before emigrating to England in 1961. He resided in Reading, Berkshire, where he became the first Black barber to set up shop in the community. Following in the footsteps of his father and grandfather, Arthur was a devout Seventh-day Adventist who kept the Sabbath. Arthur's suitcase contains his credentials and tools of the trade, including trimmers, combs used for Afro-Caribbean hair, and a heavy-duty leather strap for sharpening razors."

The curators described the 'Journeys' exhibit as one that "explored the theme of journeys, ranging from geographical migrations to spiritual and emotional transformations. The intimate testimonies accompanying these objects were as important as the pieces themselves. There was pain in some of these stories – born from the loss of homelands and loved ones – but there was also beauty and celebration."

As I reflect on my grandfather's journey, I see all the elements mentioned above in his story: migration, spirituality, transformation, pain, loss, beauty, and celebration. During Black History Month, I remember him and his generation with pride, not only because they brought a ray of sunshine to these oft-rainy isles but because they paved the way for all who enjoy the rich cultural diversity that the best of this country has to offer. For me, it's important that the legacy of his generation, the Windrush generation, is remembered and honoured, especially in a climate where history and knowledge of journeys such as theirs can all too easily be revised.

*This article was originally published as a blog for Black History Month at Newbold College