British Union Conference

Holy Land Visit Brings Attendees Back to the Bible

Pastor Chackochen

A group of Seventh-day Adventists along with their friends visited Israel to visit places associated with the Bible. Familiar sites such as the River Jordan, Galilee, Gethsemane, Bethany, Mount of Olives, Golgotha are a few of the forty-five places that the group visited. They walked through Hezekiah's Tunnel built by King Hezekiah, channelling water from the Gihon Spring to the Siloam Pool when Sennacherib was planning a siege of Jerusalem.

It was a time of spiritual refreshing. Some were baptised in River Jordan where Jesus was baptised. As a consequence of this experience, some non-Adventist friends that were part of the group are attending church and taking Bible studies.

It has been a tremendous evangelistic opportunity. The Israel Bible Experience connects biblical events with the biblical places where they happened and connects people with Jesus – the purpose of the visit. It has been a great innovative evangelistic tool.

'Exciting to walk where Jesus walked', 'brings the Bible alive', 'deeply spiritual', 'connected me with the Lord,' 'made me want to study the Bible more', 'had a Sabbath like no other', 'inspiring baptism', 'helped me to decide to accept Jesus'… these were just some of the comments from the participants of this year's annual visit to Israel under the leadership of Pastor Chackochen (0774 841 7460).