Enoch Kanagaraj Appointed to VCFSE Alliance Steering Committee Representing South & West Herts

British Union Conference

Enoch Kanagaraj Appointed to VCFSE Alliance Steering Committee Representing South & West Herts

BUC Communications

The Voluntary, Community, Faith, and Social Enterprise (VCFSE) Alliance is pleased to announce the appointment of Enoch Kanagaraj to its Steering Committee, representing South and West Hertfordshire. Enoch's appointment follows a successful application process, where he was elected to advocate for the region's interests. In a statement released by the VCFSE Alliance, Enoch's appointment underscores his unwavering dedication to community service. "We are delighted to welcome Enoch Kanagaraj to the Steering Committee. His fervent commitment to community engagement and advocacy aligns perfectly with the Alliance's mission of fostering collaboration and driving positive change."

Enoch Kanagaraj, founder and CEO of One Vision charity, expressed his gratitude for the opportunity. He stated, "I am deeply honoured to have been selected to serve on the VCFSE Alliance Steering Committee. I am eager to work alongside fellow committee members and stakeholders to address our community's pressing needs and concerns. The VCFSE Alliance will convene soon for the new committee to meet and deliberate on plans for the upcoming year."

The VCFSE Alliance promotes collaboration and partnership among voluntary, community, faith, and social enterprise organisations. Through collective action, the Alliance aims to address societal challenges and enhance the well-being of individuals and communities across its territory.

As a network of these organisations, the Hertfordshire and West Essex VCFSE Alliance collaborates closely with the NHS, councils, and other partners within the integrated care system to ensure everyone can access support when needed. A steering group of 12 leaders leads the Alliance.

The Voluntary, Community, Faith, and Social Enterprise sector (VCFSE) in Hertfordshire and West Essex consists of thousands of organisations, from small volunteer-led charities and community-based faith groups to large social enterprises employing hundreds of staff and serving thousands of people. These organisations use their skills and expertise to support people in staying well, looking after themselves and their families, feeling part of their community, and knowing that they are valued. 

Harjit Singh DL, One Vision Chair of Trustees, commenting on Enoch's appointment, said, "I am delighted that Enoch Kanagaraj, founder and CEO of One Vision charity, has been elected to serve in the esteemed Hertfordshire and West Essex Voluntary, Community, Faith, and Social Enterprise (VCFSE) Alliance Steering Group.

"On behalf of One Vision, I extend heartfelt congratulations to Enoch for this well-deserved appointment. Enoch's dedication, leadership, and commitment to promoting inclusivity and collaboration make him valuable to the steering group. As Chair of Trustees for One Vision, I am confident that Enoch will bring fresh perspectives and invaluable contributions to the alliance, ensuring that the needs and aspirations of our communities are effectively represented and addressed.

"Please join me in congratulating Enoch Kanagaraj on this significant achievement. We look forward to witnessing his impactful leadership and contributions to the collective efforts of the Hertfordshire and West Essex VCFSE Alliance."