Death of Tony Brownlow

British Union Conference

Death of Tony Brownlow

Jacquelyn Johnson, BUC Secretariat

We are sad to learn of the death of Tony Brownlow who passed away on 8 December 2023, aged 92.

Thomas Anthony Brownlow, fondly known as Tony, was born in Catterick, North Yorkshire on 18 June 1931, and he spent his early years in Londonderry, Northern Ireland and then in Coventry during the devastating period of WWII, where his wider family have largely remained.

Tony's initial abilities led him into sport, but he abandoned being signed up to the Coventry Football Club to travel the world in the military, serving in several regiments as a medical orderly and then as a musician. He travelled as far as Korea, Japan, Germany and Argentina, and developed a musical flare that continued to feature strongly throughout his life, playing in, and developing various bands and orchestras.

Drawn to biblical teachings as a young man, Tony's strong passion for truth and a Christian life prompted transformative decisions that motivated his determination to evangelise at every opportunity.

Tony first entered denominational employment in 1956 to serve as a literature evangelist in Norfolk for a while, before taking a break in service until his redeployment to serve again as a literature evangelist in Ireland between 1967 and 1976. He became the pioneering Christian Bookshop Representative in June 1986 for the Stanborough Press. He married Luisa in June 1994 and continued employment with the Press until his retirement in June 1996.

The funeral service will take place on Tuesday 16 January 2024 at 11:30 am at the Filipino International Seventh-day Adventist Church, Brentmead Gardens, West Twyford, London NW10 7ED, followed by a service at the Mortlake Crematorium, Kew Meadows Path, Townmead Rd, London TW9 4EN.

We extend our sincere condolences to Tony's widow, Luisa, his adult children, Sally, Donna and David, and their families with caring thoughts and prayers.

We look forward to Christ's soon return on that glorious resurrection day. What a day that will be… (1 Thessalonians 4:13-18).