Death of Peter Hinks

British Union Conference

Death of Peter Hinks

Paul Bellamy

17 November 1931 – 12 October 2021

Peter graduated from Newbold Missionary College in May 1962 and joined Granose Foods Limited, based at that time on Stanborough Park. He was Office Manager and thus commenced forty loyal years of continuous service, in a variety of roles, for the Church that he loved, its membership and above all his ultimate overseer, his Heavenly Father.

Born in Birmingham during the time of the Great Depression, Peter left school at the age of fourteen and secured employment working for a grocery store where he remained until called up to complete his National Service. Drafted into the Royal Air Force Peter served in the Catering Corp for the duration of his two years' service. Returning to civilian life he secured the post of Store Manager for a George Mason grocery store in Birmingham.

Prompted by the Holy Spirit, Peter began searching for spiritual assurance. Invited to attend an evangelistic campaign held in Birmingham's 'Theatre Royal' led by Pastor Kenneth Lacey, he found Jesus and in Peter's own words was, "born again." On 21 July 1956 Peter gave his heart to Jesus and was baptised alongside 56 other souls.

Peter subsequently joined the Camp Hill church where he was to meet the young woman who was to become his lifelong loving companion, supporter and friend. Jean Barnwell and Peter were married on 9 March 1958 at Camp Hill, a love story that would span over a further sixty-three years and receive the blessing of 3 sons, 6 grandsons and 4 great grandchildren.

Having given his life to Jesus Peter was confronted with the reality of finding employment with Sabbath privileges. Leaving his managerial post with George Mason, Peter found employment with an engineering firm as an 'accounts clerk'. He acknowledged how through this demanding period the support he received from Jean was immense.

In 1960 Peter applied to Newbold to join the Business Studies course and moved into married student accommodation at 'Crossways' in the September of that year.

Peter's service with Granose Foods initially spanned fifteen years, moving from Office Manager to Accountant on completion of further part-time studies. Leaving Granose Peter was elected to the post of Secretary-Treasurer at the South England Conference (SEC) and served for two years before moving to the British Union Conference assuming responsibility for ministerial car insurance policies and claims. In 1983 Peter moved back to Granose Foods as Financial Director where he served until the company was sold to Haldane Foods Limited when the company left Church administration.

Peter's final years of service were with the Trans-European Division (TED) at St Albans as Associate Treasurer. In this capacity he also served as Treasurer for the Israel Field and for Albania.

Peter also served his local church at Stanborough Park as Associate Treasurer for local funds for 9 years and then a further 6 years as Treasurer. However, for many in the local community he will be most fondly remembered as Treasurer of the 'Seniors Club' for nine years. He was still presenting the accounts to the committee a matter of only a few months before his passing.

Thus it was on Tuesday 9 November 2021, at Stanborough Park church that his family were joined by so many friends and church members to commemorate the life of this modest Christian gentleman and beloved family man. Welcomed by the resident minister, Pastor Geert Tap, the theme of 'Hope' was immediately introduced. The favourite Psalm of Jean and Peter was then read by Audrey Andersson, Executive Secretary of the TED and family friend. "I lift up my eyes to the hill…" (Psalm 121), a favourite Jean and Peter would recite to each other as they walked the Lakeland Fells or climbed the Malvern Hills – their special places.

In the 'life sketch', which followed, Paul Bellamy , a family friend, quoted the words of Pastor Don Lowe who had been the SEC President during Peter's term of office. "Peter, was loyal, honest and straightforward colleague, there were no secrets, he was an absolute pleasure to work with and through our service together we became firm friends."

There followed tributes from grandson Oliver, and his cousin, Aidan who recalled many happy times spent with their grandad. With great fondness they shared memories of their loving, humorous and playful grandparent. Pastor James Huzzey, then reiterated Peter's qualities speaking from personal experience from their time together at the TED. His message to Jean and the family and to all present was the precious hope we have in Jesus that despite the immediate loss and sadness there is hope in the resurrection and promises of Jesus. As Peter recorded in the notes that he prepared, speaking of his Saviour, "He is Faithful."

The service was also greatly enhanced by the music performed by the Ahn Sisters and the guest organist, Michael Cayton, the conductor of the Watford Philharmonic Orchestra. The love of music shared by Jean and Peter was clearly demonstrated by the choice of hymns and music played during the service, including Elgar's Nimrod, Amazing Grace, with Bach and The Lord bless you and keep you, by John Rutter.

The committal followed at the North Watford Cemetery conducted jointly by Pastors Tap and Huzzey.

Peter will be greatly missed by his beloved wife Jean, his family and many friends alike. Peter now sleeps in the sure and faithful promise of the resurrection when Jesus returns.