Death of Frances Ruth Johnson

British Union Conference

Death of Frances Ruth Johnson

Jacques Venter, BUC Associate Executive Secretary

We were saddened to learn of the death of Frances Johnson (née Gammon), who passed away on 14 October 2022. Frances was born on 2 December 1944 in Bristol, to Pastor Kenneth and Beryl Gammon.

As a pastor's child, Frances attended 13 schools of one sort or another before she entered denominational work at the South England Conference, in July 1976, as Bookkeeper and Cashier. In 1982 Frances became the Hostess at Broomhill, then in 1986 joined the Treasury team at the Trans-European Division (TED) as an Accountant.

Frances worked at the TED until 30 June 2020, a period spanning 34 years. By this time, it became evident that she had a fight on her hand with cancer. However, even after a huge operation to stem the cancer, Frances' situation deteriorated slowly until she lost the battle on the evening of 14 October 2022.

She is survived by her mother Beryl, and her sister Heather.

We now look forward to Christ's soon return and that glorious resurrection day.

Jacques Venter (BUC Associate Executive Secretary)