British Union Conference

Cyclone Idai ADRA Appeal

Bert Smit, CEO ADRA-UK

When Cyclone Idai swept through Mozambique, Malawi and Zimbabwe it left behind a trail of destruction, killing hundreds and affecting close to 3 million people.

Houses, roads and bridges have been ripped apart and agricultural land is completely submerged. More than 480 people are confirmed dead and 400,000 have lost their homes.

The full scale of the disaster is still unfolding as search and rescue operations continue and more heavy rain is predicted. The UN predicts that this may become one of the worst weather-related disasters on record in the southern hemisphere.

ADRA has been on the ground since the aftermath in Zimbabwe helping up to 650 households with food and hygiene kits with plans to provide further assistance in hardest hit areas. ADRA has previously been helping people in Mozambique and Malawi recover from heavy floods affecting thousands of people prior to the cyclone's landfall.

On Monday 18 March, ADRA deployed 1000 shelter kits and 2000 tarps to Mozambique with the assistance of a UN flight convoy to help the population in Beira; we are also in the process of deploying emergency kits from our depots in Nairobi to Malawi.

Though the cyclone has passed, heavy rains continue to pour down causing a rise in flood waters. Among those affected are students, where reportedly over 200 classrooms have been destroyed in four provinces in Mozambique.

ADRA is working with local authorities, humanitarian organisations, and local Adventist churches in order to avoid duplication of aid relief and mobilise additional resources in Zimbabwe.

You can support ADRA's emergency response fund by donating now. People need our help right now.