Connect to Commit

British Union Conference

Connect to Commit

Dr Beatrice Kastrati, NEC Health and Adventist Community Services Director

We witness the war continuing with great concern, people losing their loved ones and their homes. We are making every effort to help accommodate refugees (including Seventh-day Adventist refugees) in the UK. Dedicated staff from Adventist Community Services from all the entities within the British Union Conference, the two Conferences of North and South and the three Missions are working together to encourage, empower and educate church members to open their homes and register as hosts.

I praise the Lord for the seven families in Grantham, Birmingham, Mansfield and Liverpool who have informed me they have already committed. Three have already welcomed their guests in the last week, and I thank them for their kindness! Once again, I invite you to register as hosts and email Suppose you are willing to open your home to those who have lost theirs. Get in touch with your local pastors and Community Services leaders to plan what your church family can do to support and help! Please connect so we together can commit!

As per above, here is what the NEC Community Services Department is committed to:

We are committed to keeping people safe. We have created a secure online server. Seventh-day Adventist families looking for a home in the UK can upload their data and be matched safely with Seventh-day Adventist families without sharing personal information via social network channels, thus protecting their privacy.

We commit to bringing families together who share Christian/Adventist values. We are in touch with local leaders in Ukraine to help us match families and provide a warm and safe space where families can experience love.

We commit to helping families make it across the border. We can contribute to travel arrangements to the UK, if necessary.

We commit to providing integration into our church family. We can help sponsor their stay at the NEC Family Camp so they can find friends and families to embrace them (please get in touch with Pastor John Francis or Dr Beatrice Kastrati for details).

We commit to cultivating total member involvement. If you have any special skills, knowledge and expertise, a passion for reaching out and are willing and able to translate if needed, please register as a volunteer so that we can arrange help and support:

We commit to delivering continuing education and enlightenment. Expert seminars for hosts and guests, as well as Zoom support groups, are planned.

All we need is for caring, hospitable Seventh-day Adventists to connect with us so we as a church body, by God's grace, can commit.