Community Parent Starts Funding Initiative for Seventh-day Adventist School

British Union Conference

Community Parent Starts Funding Initiative for Seventh-day Adventist School

Andrew Puckering

Dudley House School, the Seventh-day Adventist school in Grantham, is amazingly blessed with parents who truly believe in the education the school offers. When, during a parents' evening, it was revealed to parents that the school was experiencing Covid-19-related financial troubles, the earnest desire to help the school survive and thrive was evident on all faces – and especially among non-Adventists, who have seen the difference that this Seventh-day Adventist school is making in their children's lives. Rather than withdraw their children and save themselves the school fees by sending them to a state school instead, these parents decided to help the school in any way they could; and one of them – Katie, a local Grantham resident, whose daughter attends the school and has benefitted tremendously from attending it – created a GoFundMe page for Dudley House.

Grantham church members and the headteacher, Jenny Johnson, are all tremendously encouraged by these parents' desire to help fund the school for their children's education, and we hope and pray that God will continue to bless Dudley House School as a shining beacon of light for Adventist and community children in Grantham for many years to come!

If you would like to help support this Seventh-day Adventist school, Katie's GoFundMe page and the story of how Dudley House School helped her daughter can be found at:

Why not enrol your own children at Dudley House School and see for yourselves the difference this Adventist school is making in the lives of its children? Contact Jenny Johnson, the headteacher, for further details:

Tel: 01476 400184

Mobile: 07483 455997


Visit the school's website here: