British Union Conference

Communicators and IT Specialist Attend GAiN Conference

Richard Daly

Each year Communication directors assemble from within the General Conference vicinity to keep abreast of the ever-changing world of media. The conference known as GAiN (Global Adventist Internet Network) has seen steady growth in attendance since its commencement in 2003 when a group of the Church's IT experts met with members of the General Conference Council on Evangelism and Witness, looking for better ways of networking, streamlining processes, and sharing resources, organisers explained.

This year the conference held from 25-28 February in Jordan, which saw up to 600 in attendance of not only Communication directors, but members of Adventist World Radio, Hope Channel photographers, videographers, radio producers, and news writers.

The main purpose of the conference in its attempt to provide current and relevant means of effective communication of the Church's mission, was summed up by Adventist Church Communication director Williams Costa Jr when he said, "Church communication is not an end in itself. We are here to serve, to use our voice to support the Church's outreach and mission initiatives."

Amongst those from within the British Union Conference (BUC) territory, those in attendance were, Richard Daly BUC Communication and Media director, and Conference and Mission directors Lungani Sibanda (NEC), Sam Davies (SEC), Weiers Coetser (Ireland) and Jimmy Botha (Scotland). Also, in attendance were Adventist Radio London personnel led by Pastor Michael Hamilton and the NEC's Hope Radio led by Pastor Michael Simpson. IT members also present were BUC IT director Paula Carrillo and NEC Arunas Klimas.

As well as structured meetings provided by the GAiN Conference, the team from within the BUC were also able to have constructive meetings on greater collaboration especially in the area of Adventist Radio between the SEC and NEC.

A full report of the conference including the collaborative project entitled 'Fathers' and the working partnership with ADRA please see here.