Central London Church Pastor Performs Baptism in Romania

British Union Conference

Central London Church Pastor Performs Baptism in Romania

London | Central London Seventh-day Adventist Church Communications Department

Pastor Colin Stewart travels to Romania to perform a baptism for one of his baptismal candidates so that her grandmother can witness her public commitment to Christ.

The Bible says that there is joy when one sinner is baptised… (Luke 15:7). Adela Simon has been attending the Central London Church after being invited by a friend. One Sabbath after the main service, she approached Pastor Colin, telling him of her desire to be baptised. It was music to the ears of the Pastor, and so he promptly asked if they could study so that she could be prepared for baptism.

After the first study meeting, Pastor Colin discovered that Adela had grown up in an Adventist home and had completed several studies with different pastors and individuals over the years. Consequently, she saw that nothing was standing in her way of choosing the date and being baptised in CLC. What a joy!

But then Adela said, "Pastor, there's a problem." He anticipated some major obstacle that would make it impossible for him to baptise Adela. She went on to say, "Pastor, I have made my decision to be baptised, but I want my elderly grandmother to witness it with the rest of my family" she went on to say. "My grandmother is too old to travel so can you Pastor Colin come to Romania to my home church and do the baptism there?" Pastor Colin, of course, agreed.

He promptly went to his elders and church board. When this was put to them, they immediately agreed to this and not only Pastor Colin went, but four elders, board members, and other friends from CLC and beyond all went to Romania for the baptism. On the 7th -9th of October, 22 of us flew out to Romania with Pastor Colin doing the Baptism on Sabbath on the 8th of October. The UK group witnessed the baptism, represented the Church family, and voted her into the CLC fellowship.

SDA Romanian Pastor Bogdan led the service in Chinari, Romania. He took the plan to his leaders, and they graciously supported the idea of a joint baptism. Pastor Bogdan baptised five of his members from the various churches he cares for. It was a fantastic experience for all, with excellent singing from the local choir, including songs from our church members.

Pastor Colin gave the baptismal address, and the Sabbath was filled with wonderful fellowship, inspiring worship, and high testimony. No one wanted the service to end, so it continued after lunch with an impromptu musical and preaching service. God is great!

Everyone returned home safely after this glorious weekend. God be praised. Adela was brought into fellowship in the Central London Church on the 15th of October and officially voted into fellowship. Adela is the General Manager at Travel Serve, Heathrow Airport. We pray for her.