Camp Hill Food Bank Christmas Deliveries

British Union Conference

Camp Hill Food Bank Christmas Deliveries

Gift Ruremesha

2020 has not been an easy year for anyone and there have been a lot of changes. Churches have closed and services have moved online. Thus, many churches have used their buildings to host food banks and soup kitchens to feed those who are in need.

Camp Hill Seventh-day Adventist church is one of those. Their food bank has been opened since June 2020 and has helped many people in the area. However, during the holiday season over Christmas, Camp Hill wanted to do something extra to bring cheer those who faced challenging times during the year of 2020.

From November members gathered donations of food and of toys and packaged them for the families and children they had been catering to.

The packages were delivered on 20 December and were filled with treats most associated with the season: mince pies, cookies and Shloer (and of course more healthy food).

Gift parcels were also prepared for the elderly Camp Hill church members with personalised Christmas cards to let them know that Camp Hill members were still thinking of them.

Many hands came together to pull off this feat. Several drivers volunteered to deliver the boxes and members came to help pack and cater to those who also came to the church premises in need of the food bank.

It's during challenging times like these we need to spread joy and cheer to those around and to encourage people to draw closer to God. A lot of families were blessed this season and I am sure they felt the love of God through the actions of Camp Hill church.

Currently the food bank is closed but will shortly open again on Sundays from 10:00 am to 1:00 pm.