BUC Latest Tithes Report

British Union Conference

BUC Latest Tithes Report

Earl Ramharacksingh, BUC Treasurer

As we move towards the latter stages of lockdown easing, we recognise the falling numbers and pray for those affected by health challenges.

BUC February 2021 tithe of £3,689,355 shows a -5.1% decrease (-£198,111) on 2020. Against our budget we are £14,824 (-3.9%) down against our 2021 projections.

God's mercies abound, as we continue to hear stories of God's love through these trying times. February was a 4-week month (5 weeks in Feb 20), but with the March anniversary of the pandemic challenges we move forward positively in God's grace.

The Government's strategy for easing of restrictions appears to be proceeding as planned. We look forward to fellowshipping once again, although in a restrictive manner for a while longer.