BUC Latest Tithe Report

British Union Conference

BUC Latest Tithe Report

Earl Ramharacksingh, BUC Treasurer

As more and more of our churches (covid aware) begin to reopen tithe continues to improve. Comparing July 2019 tithe still reflects a 6.2% increase.

BUC July 2021 tithe of £14,593,384 shows a +24.7% increase (£2,888,238) on 2020. Against our budget we are £116,180 (+8.6%) above our 2021 projections.

The delayed 2020 Tokyo Paralympics concluded yesterday but was conducted behind mostly closed doors as covid surge in Japan dictated conscious decisions for reluctant retractions on reopening of society.

We remain ever vigilant and continue to assess the risks of reopening our churches. The end of September sees the end of the Government's furlough scheme with nearly a million still on furlough with all the uncertainties of life securities that it brings.

We thank God for His unending love and support to each and every one of us at this time. Above it all we thank God for these immense blessings to the work in this part of His vineyard.