BUC Executive Committee Makes New Elections

British Union Conference

BUC Executive Committee Makes New Elections

Pastor Eglan Brooks, BUC President

BUC Communications

On the evening of Monday 24 June, the British Union Conference (BUC) Executive Committee convened a special meeting to elect new personnel for the Irish Mission (IM) President and Executive Secretary. These positions became available following the call for Pastor Dan Serb (outgoing IM President) to serve as Vice Principal at Newbold College of Higher Education.

After much prayer and careful consideration, I am delighted to announce the following significant new appointments:

Pastor Adam Keough, a long-serving minister in the Irish Mission for the past 22 years, has been elected the Irish Mission President. His significant contributions to the IM have been invaluable, and we eagerly anticipate his continued leadership and vision in his new role.

Adam Keough has served in the Irish Mission as a Pastor, Youth Sponsor and Executive Secretary. Having spent part of his childhood in both the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland, his ministry time has also spanned these two jurisdictions on the island of Ireland. Adam loves historical fiction, walks out in nature, and passionately supports 'the best football club in the world' – Liverpool. He's also fascinated with studying the books of Genesis and Exodus and loves to try to place the biblical story within the historical context of its time.

One of his greatest motivators is to see others grow – both in their relationship with Jesus and their personal and professional lives. Adam has been married to Heather for 18 years. Heather was raised in Belfast and currently works as a classroom assistant. They have two children – Olivia, who is 16 and going into her final year of her Leaving Certificate, and Jacob, who is 12 and starting secondary school in September.

Subsequently, since Pastor Keough was serving as the IM Executive Secretary, the Executive Committee also elected a replacement for this position. We are pleased to announce that Pastor Ben Pontanar, a dedicated and experienced individual, was elected as the new IM Executive Secretary. His expertise will be instrumental in driving the mission and vision of the IM. Together, the Executive Committee prays that these adjustments will ensure that the Irish Mission continues the trajectory of becoming a Conference.

Ben Pontanar's journey in ministry began at a young age, deeply rooted in the Adventist community. As a fourth-generation Adventist, he was born in General Santos, a fishing port city in the southernmost part of the Philippines. His family's active involvement in local ministries shaped his early years, leading him to participate in evangelistic events as a Bible reader, child preacher, and youth evangelist. These formative experiences paved the way for his future in ministry, culminating in a Bachelor of Arts degree in Theology from South Philippine Adventist College.

Pastor Pontanar went on to serve in many areas of ministry as a Literature Evangelist group leader, Bible Worker, Bible Instructor, College Dean of Men, Theology Instructor, and Head of Theology in the Philippine island of Mindanao, particularly in South Philippine Adventist College, before being called to serve in the Irish Mission in 2008.

He has been a pastor in the Irish Mission for almost 16 years and has served in churches and districts in both the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland.

Ben is passionate about what he considers the heart of Christianity and Adventism: grace and hope. He believes that these are the most powerful forces that can transform lives and how we can be the most practical and positive influence on the people around us while we wait for Jesus' second coming.

He is married to Joy, with whom he has two boys: Ron, who is studying Linguistics and Social Anthropology at university, and their youngest, Luke, who is homeschooled.

Please join me in offering your full support and prayers to Pastor Keough and Pastor Pontanar, as they transition into their new roles.